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Back Swivel Basic

Commence facing DW against LOD in Open Position, joined left arm retracted at Lady's hip height

Man Lead Foot/Body Position Turn/Alignment Footwork Count
1 Leading Lady backward, then to turn to L LF forward in Open Position, Checked Forward Walk to end in TP No turn, facing DW against LOD BH (LF), pressure on B (RF) 2
2 Leading Lady backward, then to turn to R Transfer weight back to RF, to end in Open Position No turn, backing DC BH 3
3-5 Leading Lady forward, then to turn to R Turning to L, LF back into a Ronde Chasse to end LF to side, with Lady at a 90° angle in front of R side of body 1/8 to L, backing centre BH, Flat, BH 4&1
6 Leading Lady forward RF back, Lady's L side at a 90° angle to front of L side No turn, backing centre BH 2
7 Leading Lady forward to L side, then to turn to L Transfer weight forward to LF No turn, facing wall BH 3
8-10 Leading Lady backward RF Twist Chasse to end RF to side in Fan Position No turn, facing wall BH, BH, BH 4&1

Commence backing DW against LOD in Open Position

Lady Foot/Body Position Turn/Alignment Footwork Count
1 RF back, then turn to L on RF, extend LF backward without weight in TP. Extended Backward Walk No turn between previous step and 1, backing DW against LOD, then 1/2 to L on RF at end of 1 to end backing DC BH, then B with foot flat (RF), i/e of T (LF) 2
2 Transfer weight back to LF, then turn R on LF to Open Position as a Spiral Action No turn between 1-2, backing DC, then 1/2 to R on LF at end of 2 to end facing DC TH, then B with foot flat (LF), o/e of T (RF) 3
3-5 RF forward into a Twist Chasse, to end at a 90° angle to front of Man's R side No turn on 3, facing DC, then 1/4 to R between 4-5, to end facing DW, upper body remains toward Man BH, BH, BH 4&1
6 LF forward, moving in front of Man to his L side 1/8 to L, facing LOD, upper body remains toward Man BH 2
7 RF forward in line with LF, then turn on RF to end back on his L side, Forward Walk Turning 1/2 to L at the end of 7, facing LOD, to end backing LOD BH 3
8-10 LF Backward Lock to end in Fan Position No turn, backing LOD B, BH, BH 4&1

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