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Linear Turns to Syncopated Open Hip Twist

Commence facing DW against LOD in Open position with L to R hand hold

Man Lead Foot/Body Position Turn/Alignment Footwork Count
1 Leading Lady back LF back with split weight in Open Position No turn, backing DC B 2
2 Leading Lady to transfer weight forward Transfer weight forward to RF in Open Position No turn, facing DW against LOD BH &
3 Leading Lady forward to turn to L under raised joined hands LF forward, passing Lady on R side, then turn to R on LF to end in Open Position 1/2 to R, backing DW against LOD BH 3
4 Leading Lady back RF back with split weight in Open Position No turn, backing DW against LOD B 4
5 Leading Lady to transfer weight forward Transfer weight forward to LF in Open Position No turn, facing DC BH &
6 Leading Lady forward to turn to R, then release hold RF forward, passing Lady on R side, then turn to L on RF to end in Open Position 1/2 to L, backing DC BH 1
7-8 Retaking L to R hand hold to lead Lady back to repeat steps 1-2 No turn to end facing DW against LOD B, BH 2&
9 Leading Lady forward as 3 of a Syncopated Open Hip Twist LF closes to RF, slightly back, in Closed Position No turn, facing DW against LOD BH 3
10-12 Leading Lady as 4-6 of a Syncopated Open Hip Twist RF back with split weight to end RF to side in Fan Position 1/8 to L to end facing wall B, BH, BH 4&1

Commence backing DW against LOD in Open Position with L to R hand hold

Lady Foot/Body Position Turn/Alignment Footwork Count
1 RF back with split weight, in Open Position No turn, backing DW against LOD B 2
2 Transfer weight forward to LF in Open Position No turn, facing DC BH &
3 RF forward, passing Man's R side, then under arm turn to L on RF to end in Open Position. Forward Walk Turning 1/2 to L, backing DC BH 3
4 LF back with split weight in Open Position No turn, backing DC B 4
5 Transfer weight forward to RF in Open Position No turn, facing DW against LOD BH &
6 LF forward, passing Man's back, then turn to R on LF to end in Open Position. Forward Walk Turning 1/2 to L, backing DW against LOD BH 1
7-8 RF back to repeat steps 1-2 No turn to end facing DC B, BH 2&
9 RF forward in Closed Position No turn, facing DC BH 3
10-12 Turning to R on RF, then LF forward into steps 4-5 of a Syncopated Open Hip Twist to end in Fan Position 1/4 to R, then 5/8 to L toe end backing LOD BH, BH, BH 4&1

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