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Running Lock with Lady's Running Zigzag, Check to Lady's Three Step Turn

Commence facing DW in Closed Position with RF OP, R hand holding Lady's upper L arm, and R arm retracted with body weight close to Lady

Man Lead Foot/Body Position Turn/Alignment Footwork Count
1 Leading Lady to turn to R LF forward & slightly across & rising, Lady moving away from Man to end in Open PP No turn, facing DW, moving along LOD with upper body toward Lady T &
2 Leading Lady forward RF crosses behind LF in Open PP, maintaining rise. Latin Cross No turn, facing DW, moving along LOD with upper body toward Lady T 2
3 Leading Lady to turn to L LF forward & slightly toward Lady's R side, lowering in Open Position No turn, facing DW, moving along LOD TH &
4 Leading Lady backward RF forward toward Lady's R side, closing body toward Lady in Closed Position No turn, facing DW, moving along LOD BH 3
5-8 Leading Lady to turn to R, repeat steps 1-4 to end RF OP, facing DW &4&1
9 Leading Lady to turn to R LF closes to RF with Lady moving to L side No turn, facing DW BH &
10 Leading Lady forward & across, then checking Lady's movement RF to side, L leg extended with Lady moving to L side. A high shape with body strongly extended No turn, facing DW, RF pointing to wall, LF pointing down LOD, upper body toward Lady BH (RF), WF (LF) 2.3
11 Leading Lady backward to turn to L, then releasing hold Turning to R, transfer weight sideways to LF with Lady moving across front of body to R side 1/8 to R, facing wall, LF pointing DW, upper body toward Lady WF (both feet) &
12-14 Following Lady to take required hold for the following figure Turning to R, RF back behind LF.
Transfer weight forward to LF.
RF forward to end in Open Position
1/4 to R, facing against LOD B

Commence backing DW with LF back and Man outside in Closed Position

Lady Foot/Body Position Turn/Alignment Footwork Count
1 Turning to R, RF to side & rising, moving away from Man to end in Open PP 1/4 to R, facing DC, upper body turns less T &
2 Turning to R, LF forward in Open PP, maintaining rise 1/8 to R, facing LOD, upper body turns less T 2
3 Turning to L, RF to side & slightly back, lowering to end in Open Position with Man toward R side 3/8 to L, backing DW TH &
4 LF back with Man OP to end in Closed Position No turn, backing DW, moving along LOD BH 3
5-8 Turning to R, repeat steps 1-4 to end LF back with Man toward R side, backing DW &4&1
9 Turning to R & rising, RF to side toward Man's L side 1/4 to R, facing DC, upper body toward LOD   &
10 Hold position on RF, point LF forward & across RF with split weight, extended to man's L side as a Check, maintaining rise No turn, facing DC, upper body toward LOD Pressure on T (LF), T (RF) 2.3
11 Transfer full weight back to RF, turning to L and lowering 3/8 to L, facing against LOD TH &
12-14 Turning to L, LF forward into a Three Step Turn LRL, moving across front of Man to R side to end LF back in Open Position Completing 1/2 turn to L to end backing against LOD B B(H) BH 4&1

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