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RSP Solo Chicken Walks - Backward Shunts - Botafogo - Spot Turn - Foot Change to Walks

Commence facing wall on RF in Solo RSP

Man Lead Foot/Body Position Turn/Alignment Footwork Count
1-2 Visually aware of each other Turning to L on RF, LF forward into steps 1-2 of Lady's Alternative Chicken Walk Action, LR, in Solo RSP No turn, facing wall with feet turning 1/4 to L, pointing DW, then to R, pointing DW against LOD BH, BH 1.2
3-4 Being visually aware of each other, repeats steps 1-2       3.4
5 Following Lady Turning to R, Spring from RF, LF to side, small step 1/8 to R, facing DW against LOD B (RF), BH (LF) a
6 Following Lady Tap R of RF behind H of LF No turn, facing DW against LOD WF (LF), tip of T (RF) 1
7 Following Lady Slip LF back, Back Shunt No turn, facing DW against LOD B, foot flat a
8 Following Lady Kick RF diagonally back, approximately knee height No turn, facing DW against LOD, LF pointing wall WF (LF), RF off floor 2
9 Following Lady Slip LF back, Back Shunt No turn, facing DW against LOD, LF pointing wall B, foot flat a
10 Following Lady Tap T of RF behind H of LF without weight No turn, facing DW against LOD, LF pointing wall WF (LF), tip of T (RF) 3
11-12 Following Lady, Slip LF back to repeat steps 7-8       a4
13-15 Following Lady RF back & across into a Botafogo, RLR, to end RF to side No turn, facing DW against LOD BH, B, BH 1a2
16-18 Visually aware of each other Turning to R from RF, LF forward into a Spot Turn, LRL, to end LF side & slightly back with hips pulled back to a slight forward posture of upper body 1/8 to R on RF, facing against LOD, completing a further 7/8 to R to end backing DC B, foot flat (RF), B, B, BH 3a4
19 Visually aware of each other Hold Position No turn WF (LF), i/e of T (RF)
20 Visually aware of each other RF closes to LF, hold body shape No turn B a
21-14 Visually aware of each other to end taking L to R hand hold Turning to L, LF forward into 4 Forward Circular Walks, LRLR, in a small circle to end in Open Position 7/8 to L to end facing against LOD BH, BH, BH, BH

Commence facing wall on RF in Solo RSP

Lady Foot/Body Position Turn/Alignment Footwork Count
1-2 Turning to L on RF, LF forward into steps 1-2 of Alternative Chicken Walk Action, LR, in Solo RSP No turn, facing wall with feet turning 1/4 to L, pointing DW, then to R, pointing DW against LOD BH, BH 1.2
3-4 Repeat steps 1-2     3.4
5 Turning to R, Spring from RF, LF to side, small step 1/8 to R, facing DW against LOD B (RF), BH (LF) a
6 Tap R of RF behind H of LF No turn, facing DW against LOD WF (LF), tip of T (RF) 1
7 Slip LF back, Back Shunt No turn, facing DW against LOD B, foot flat a
8 Kick RF diagonally back, approximately knee height No turn, facing DW against LOD, LF pointing wall WF (LF), RF off floor 2
9 Slip LF back, Back Shunt No turn, facing DW against LOD, LF pointing wall B, foot flat a
10 Tap T of RF behind H of LF without weight No turn, facing DW against LOD, LF pointing wall WF (LF), tip of T (RF) 3
11-12       a4
13-15 RF back & across into a Botafogo, RLR, to end RF to side No turn, facing DW against LOD BH, B, BH 1a2
16-18 Turning to R from RF, LF forward into a Spot Turn, LRL, to end LF side & slightly back with hips pulled back to a slight forward posture of upper body 1/8 to R on RF, facing against LOD, completing a further 7/8 to R to end backing DC B, foot flat (RF), B, B, BH 3a4
19 Hold Position No turn WF (LF), i/e of T (RF)
20-23 Turning to R, RF forward into 4 Forward Circular Walks, RLRL, in a small circle to end in Open Position 5/8 to R to end backing against LOD BH, BH, BH, BH

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Any foot change to end in Solo RSP


Any syllabus figure commenced in Open Position

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Flicks in Open Position

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