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Travelling Flick Ball Changes in PP - Turning Chasses - Natural Spin - Throwaway Action

Commencing backing DC against LOD in Fallaway Position

Man Lead Foot/Body Position Turn/Alignment Footwork Count
1-2 Leading Lady backward into a Fallaway Rock Turning to L, LF back in Fallaway Position into a Fallaway Rock, LR 1/8 to L, backing against LOD BH. BH 1.2
3 Leading Lady to turn to L Turning to R, Flick LF diagonally forward without weight in Closed Position 1/8 to R, facing DW WF (RF), LF off floor 3
4 Leading Lady to turn to R Turning to L, LF crosses behind RF with split weight, T to H. Latin Cross 1/8 to L, backing against LOD B a
5 Leading Lady forward in PP RF forward, small step in PP No turn, facing LOD BH 4
6-8 Leading Lady to turn to L, repeat steps 3-5 1a2
9-11 Leading Lady to turn to R, release hold with L hand LF to side into a Turning Chasse to R, LRL, to end LF to side in Contact Hold, Sway to L 5/8 to R to end backing DW B. B. BH 3a4
12-14 Leading Lady to turn to R RF to side into a Turning Chasse to R, RLR, to end RF diagonally forward in Contact Hold. Sway to R 3/8 to R, facing LOD B. B. BH 1a2
15-17 Leading Lady to turn to R LF to side into a Turning Chasse to R, LRL, then to continue turning on LF as a Pivot in Contact Hold. Sway to L 1/2 to R, to end backing LOD, then 1/2 to R on LF to end facing LOD B. B. BH, then B of LF, foot flat 3a4
18 Leading Lady to turn to R RF forward in Contact Hold, Sway to R. Spin action No turn, facing LOD BH 1
19 Leading Lady to turn to R LF to side & slightly back, then continue turning R on LF as a Pivot in Contact Hold, Sway to L 1/2 to R, backing LOD, then 3/8 to R on LF to end facing DC BH, then B, foot Flat 2
20-22 Leading Lady backward, then releasing hold with R hand, taking required hold on 23 RF forward into a Forward Lock, small steps, RLR, to end in Open Position. Throwaway Action No turn, facing DC B. B. BH 3a4

Commence backing DW against LOD in Fallaway Position

Lady Foot/Body Position Turn/Alignment Footwork Count
1-2 Turning to R, RF back in Fallaway Position into a Fallaway Rock, RL 1/8 to R, backing against LOD BH. BH 1.2
3 Turning to L, Flick RF forward without weight between Man's feet in Closed Position 1/4 to L, facing centre B, BH (LF), RF off floor 3
4 Turning to R, RF crosses behind LF with split weight, T to H. Latin Cross 1/4 to R, backing against LOD B a
5 LF forward, small step, in PP No turn, facing LOD BH 4
6-8 Repeat steps 3-6 1a2
9-11 Releasing hold to place R hand over Man's L shoulder with L hand free, RF forward into a Turning Chasse to R, RLR, to end RF forward in Contact Hold. Sway to R 1/8 to R, to end facing DW B. B. BH 3a4
12-14 LF to side into a Turning Chasse to R, LRL, to end LF to side & slightly backward in Contact Hold. Sway to L 3/8 to R, backing LOD B. B. BH 1a2
15-17 RF to side into a Turning Chasse to R, RLR, in Contact hold. Sway to R. End RF forward as a Spin action 1/2 to R, to end facing LOD B. B. BHB 3a4
18 Turning to R, LF side & slightly back in Contact Hold as a Pivot. Sway to L 1/2 to R to end backing LOD, then 1/2 to R on LF, to end facing LOD BHB 1
19 RF forward in Contact Hold, as a Spin action. Sway to R No turn, facing LOD BH 2
20-22 LF backward & slightly to side into a Backward Chasse, LRL, to end in Open Position. Throwaway Action 3/8 to R, backing DC B. B. BH 3a4

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