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Continuous Spins in Slow and Quick Rhythm to Shadow Hold

Commence facing DW in PP with R to R hand hold, held equidistant between man and Lady at chest height, with Upper Body Shape to R, feet together

Man Lead Foot/Body Position Turn/Alignment Footwork Count
1 Leading Lady forward to turn to R under raised joined R hands RF fwd & across, raising joined R hands above head height, then circling hands to complete Lady's Two step turn to R in PP, then lower R hands to hip height No turn, moving along LOD, facing DW HB 1 2
2 :Leading Lady forward to turn to R under raised joined R hands LF to side, raising joined R hands above hea hight, then circling hands to complete Lady's Two Step Turn to R in PP, then lower R hand to hip height No turn, moving along LOD, facing DW HB 3 4
3-4 Leading Lady forward to repeat steps 1 - 2, maintain R hand above Lady's head throughout. Note the quick rhythm 5 6
5 Leading Lady forward to turn to R under raised joined R hands, then lower hands to continue the turn RF forward & across in PP, circling hands around Lady's head, then lower R hands to continue her turn to Shadow Position No turn, moving along LOD, facing DW HB 7
6 Leading Lady to close LF closes to RF, joined R hands end on Lady's R hip in Contact Shadow Position No turn, facing DW, upper body facing LOD BH 8

Commence facing DC in PP with feet together, Upper Body Shape to L

Lady Foot/Body Position Turn/Alignment Footwork Count
1-2 Turning to R, RF forward in PP.
LF forward, small step, then turn to R on LF under raised R arm, Spiral Action, to end in PP
1/8 to R, facing LOD
7/8 to R, to end facing DC
B, foot flat
3-4 Turning to R, RF forward in PP.
LF forward, small step, then turn to R on LF under raised R arm, Spiral Action, to end in PP
1/8 to R, facing LOD
7/8 to R, to end facing DC
B, foot flat
5-8 Repeat steps 1-4. Note the quick rhythm   B B B B 5&6&
9 Turning to R, RF forward in PP, then continue to turn on RF to end in Shadow Position. Standing Spin 1/8 to R, facing LOD, then continue to turn 1.1/8 to end facing DW, upper body facing LOD B, foot flat 7
10 LF closes to RF in Shadow Position No turn, facing DW BH 8

Suggested Popular Combination


Too advanced for popular combination


Too advanced for popular combination

Suggested Advanced Combination


Any suitable Advanced figure commenced facing wall or DW to move in PP


Any suitable Advanced figure, depending on the chosen alternative ending position, using a foot change if necessary

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