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Developed Curl - Three Alemanas to Check - Continuous Spin

Commence facing DW against LOD in Open Position with L to R hand hold

Man Lead Foot/Body Position Turn/Alignment Footwork Count
1-3 Leading Lady backward and then forward to turn under raised L arm on step 3 LF forward into 1-3 of an Overturned Curl to end LF to side without weight, Lady's L side at almost a 90° angle to Man's body 1/8 to L between 2-3 to end facing wall BH (LF), pressure on B (RF)
WF (RF), i/e T (LF)
4 1
4 Leading Lady forward, then to turn R under arm Transfer split weight sideways to LF with Lady's L side at a 90° angle to Man's body as a Cuban Rock No turn, facing wall BH (LF), WF (RF) 2
5 Continue to turn Lady to R Transfer split weight sideways to RF No turn, facing wall WF both feet 3
6 Leading Lady forward to turn R, lowering arm to R side to check turn Transfer weight sideways to LF into a flexed L knee, Lunge, with Lady in RSP, facing same direction No turn, facing wall, upper body turn to R toward lady WF both feet 4 1
7 Leading Lady forward to turn to L under arm Transfer weight sideways to RF, straightening knees to end in TP No turn, facing wall WF 2
8 Continue to turn Lady to L, then lower arm to check turn Turning to L, LF back and across behind RF to end in Open Position 1/8 to L, backing DC against LOD BH 3
9 Leading lady forward toward R side, and then to turn to R RF forward and across in front of LF to end in PP No turn, facing DW, upper body turn to R BH 4 1
10 Leading Lady forward, and then to turn to R, release hold LF back to end in TP No turn, backing DC against LOD BH 2
11 Following Lady RF closes to LF to end in TP No turn, facing DW BH &
12 Following Lady LF forward, to end in Open Position No turn, facing DW BH 3
13 Take L to R hand hold RF forward in Open Position, No turn, facing DW BH 4 1

Commence backing DW against LOD in Open Position

Lady Foot/Body Position Turn/Alignment Footwork Count
1-3 RF back into steps 1-3 of a Curl to end with a Spiral Action with L side at almost a 90° angle to Man's body No turn over 1-2, end facing DC.
3/4 turn to L on 3 to end facing DW.
B(H)T (RF), o/e of T (LF)
4 1
4 Turning to L, LF forward then turn to R to end with R side at a 90° angle to Man's body 1/8 to L, facing LOD then 1/2 to R on LF to end facing against LOD T(H) then B, foot flat 2
5 RF forward to end toward Man's R side No turn, facing aginst LOD BH 3
6 Turning to R, LF forward, then turn to R to end back with RF held forward without wieght in RSP, facing same direction (4-6. Steps 4-6 of an Alemana) 1/4 to R on RF, facing centre, then 1/2 to R on LF to end backing centre B, foot flat (RF), B, foot flat (LF) 4 1
7 Transfer weight forward to RF, then turn to L as a Spiral Action to Tandem Position. 1 Turn to L on RF, to end facing wall B(H)T 2
8 Turning to L, LF forward, then turn to L to end in Open Position 1/8 to L between 7-8, facing DW. 1/2 t L on LF to end facing DC against LOD BHB (RF), slight pressure on i/e of T (LF) 3
9 RF forward toward Man's R side, then turn to R, extending LF to side without weight in PP No turn, facing DC against LOD, then turn 1/2 to R on RF to end facing DW, LF pointing DC BHB (RF), and slight pressure on i/e of T (LF) 4 1
10-15 Transfer weight forward into a Continous Spin to L, LRLRL, passing Man's R side to end LF back in Open Position Completing 1.12 turn to L to end backing DW B
4 1

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