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Delayed Reverse Shadow Volta Roll

Commence in Open Right Side Position with R to L hand hold, facing wall

Man Lead Foot/Body Position Turn/Alignment Footwork Count
1 Leading Lady forward and to turn to L, then release hold RF to side, lady at a 90° angle to R side of body No turn, facing wall with upper body turn to R, toward Lady BH 1
2 Visually following Lady LF crosses behind RF, Lady moving across in front of body to L side. Latin Cross No turn, facing wall with upper body turn slightly to L B a
3 Taking Shadow Hold with R hand around front of Lady's waist Replace weight to RF in flexed R knee in Shadow Position, commence body inclination forward, Sway to R (1-3 of Whisk to R) 1/8 to L, facing DW BH 2
4 Leading Lady forward Maintaining depth of flexed R knee, LF forward into a flexed L knee, RF remains back, extended strongly with toe turned out without weight, increasing body inclination forward, straighten Sway in Shadow Position 1/8 to L, facing LOD, RF pointing DW against LOD BH (LF), i/e of T (RF) 1
5 Leading Lady to hold position Hold position, continue slight extension of body inclination forward No turn, facing LOD WF (LF), i/e of T (RF) 2
6-9 Leading Lady to continue to turn Turning to L, RF to side with split weight, body inclination forward, commence to Sway to L into steps 2-5 of Circular Volta. Slowly increase Sway to L in Shadow Position 1/8 to L on each step, to end facing against LOD B

Commence in Open Right Side Position, facing wall

Lady Foot/Body Position Turn/Alignment Footwork Count
1-3 Turning to L, LF into steps 1-3 of a Three Step Turn to L, LRL 1/4 to L on RF, facing LOD, then complete 1 to turn to L to end facing LOD B (LF), WF (RF), then B B B 1 & 2
4 RF forward, small step, then turn to L as a loose Spiral Action to complete the Four Step Turn to end in Shadow Hold with R knee flexed and commence body inclination forward & Sway to R 7/8 to L on RF, facing DW BH &
5 Maintaining depth of flexed R knee, LF forward into a flexed L knee, RF remains back, extended strongly with toe turned out without weight. Increase body inclination forward & straighten Sway in Shadow Position 1/8 to L, facing LOD, RF pointing DW against LOD BH (LF), i/e of T (RF) 1
6 Hold position, continue slightly extension of body inclination forward No turn, facing LOD WF (LF), i/e of T (RF) 2
7-10 Turning to L, RF to side with split weight, body inclination forward, commence to Sway to L into steps 2-5 of Circular Volta. Slowly increase Sway to L in Shadow Position 1/8 to L on each step to end facing against LOD B

Suggested Popular Combination


Into step 4 (5 as Lady) from a Travelling Volta to L in Shadow Position


4-6 Reverse Roll

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Lady's Continuous Spin to R to RSP


4-6 Reverse Turn with Lady's Underarm Turn to L

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