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Lunge Checks in Tandem Position

Commence facing DW in Open PP with R to L Hand Hold

Man Lead Foot/Body Position Turn/Alignment Footwork Count
1 Leading Lady forward & across Turning to L, RF forward & across in Open RSP into a slightly flexed R knee 1/4 to L, facing DC, upper body turns less BH 1
2 Leading Lady to replace weight back to RF Replace weight back to LF in Open RSP No turn, backing DW against LOD B a
3 Leading Lady sideways, then releasing hold, taking L hand to the L side of Lady's waist Turning to R, RF to side into a strongly flexed R knee as a Lunge with Lady in TP, slightly to Man's L side 1/4 to R, facing DW, upper body turns less, LF pointing DC. Look toward Lady's hand BH (RF) & i/e of T (LF) 2
4 Leading Lady sideways to R, then release hold, taking R hand to the R side of Lady's waist LF to side into a strongly flexed L knee as a Lunge with Lady in RP, slightly to Man's R side 1/4 to L, facing DC, upper body turns less, RF pointing DW. Look toward Lady's head BH (LF) & i/e of T (RF) 1
5 Leading lady sideways to L, then release hold, taking L hand to the L side of Lady's waist RF to side into a strongly flexed R knee as a Lunge with Lady in TP, slightly to Man's L side 1/4 to R, facing DW, upper body turns less, LF pointing DC. Look toward Lady's head BH (RF) & i/e of T (LF) 2
6-8 Leading lady to turn to R, then release hold, retaking R to L hand hold LF to side into a Whisk to end in Open RSP 1/8 to L, facing LOD, upper body shaped toward Lady BH, B, BH 1a2
9-11 Leading Lady to turn to L, then release hold, taking hold required for the chosen following figure RF to side into a Whisk to end in the position required for the chosen following figure No turn, facing LOD, slight upper body turn to L toward Lady BH, B, BH 1a2

Commence facing DC in Open Position with R to L Hand Hold

Lady Foot/Body Position Turn/Alignment Footwork Count
1 LF forward & across in Open RSP into a slightly flexed L knee 1/4 to R, facing DW, upper body turns less BH 1
2 Replace weight to RF in Open RSP No turn, backing DC against LOD B &
3 LF to side into a slightly flexed L knee in Tandem position, slightly to Man's L side 1/8 to L, facing LOD, upper body turns less BH a
4 RF closes to LF without weight in a slightly flexed R knee as a Tap in Tandem Position, slightly to Man's L side. Sit Line Hold position, looking toward Man's head WF (LF) & i/e of T (RF) 2
5 RF to side into a slightly flexed R knee in Tandem Position, slightly to Man's R side No turn, facing LOD, upper body turn to L BH a
6 LF closes to RF without weight in a slightly flexed L knee as a Tap in Tandem Position, slightly to Man's L side. Sit Line No turn, facing LOD, looking toward Man's head WF (RF) & i/e of T (LF) 1
7-8 LF to side to repeat steps 3-4 a2
9-11 Turning to R, RF forward into a Three Step Turn, to end in Open RSP 1/4 to R on LF, facing wall, completing a further 7/8 over 9-11, facing DW, upper body turns slightly more B, foot flat (LF), B, B, BH 1a2
12 Turning to L, LF forward into a Three Step Turn, to end in the position required for the chosen following figure 3/8 to L on RF, completing the turn for the alignment required for the chosen following figure B, foot flat (RF), B, B, BH 1a2

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