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Passing Turns

Commence facing DW in Right Side Position with R to L Hand Hold, with weight on LF and RF placed across LF without weight

Man Lead Foot/Body Position Turn/Alignment Footwork Count
1-2 Leading lady to turn to L & forward, release R hand hold, to end with L arm around Lady's back Turning to R, RF to side in Closed Position. Place LF across RF without weight in LSP 1/4 to R, facing DW against LOD, upper body to wall BH
WF (RF) & o/e of T (LF)
3-4  Leading lady backward, then release hold and take R hand to Lady's lower L arm on 4 Turning to L from RF, LF forward into a Two Step Turn, LR, passing in front of Lady to her L side, continue to turn to L on RF into a LF Ronde to end in RSP 3/8 to L on RF, facing LOD, completing a further 3/4 to L to end backing centre, LF pointing to LOD B, foot flat (RF) & BH (LF)
B(H)B (RF) & LF off floor
5-7 Leading lady to turn to L, then release hold Continue LF Ronde, then LF back & across with lady's L side at a 90° angle to front of Man into a Bota Fogo, LRL, to end LF to side & slightly forward in Closed Position, with lady's R hand on Man's chest 1/8 to L, backing DC against LOD to end facing DW BH, B, BH 1a2
8-10 Extending chest to lead Lady to turn to R RF forward in Shadow Position into a Cruzados Lock, RLR, taking Shadow Hold on 10 No turn, facing DW BH, B, BH 1a2

Commence facing DW against LOD, in Right Side Position with R to L Hand Hold, with weight on RF and LF placed across RF without weight

Lady Foot/Body Position Turn/Alignment Footwork Count
1-2 Turning to L from RF, LF forward into a Two Step Turn, LR, passing in front of Man to his L side, then continue to turn to L on RF into a LF Ronde to end in LSP 3/8 to L on RF, facing LOD, completing a further 3/4 to L to end backing centre, LF pointing to LOD B, foot flat (RF) & BH (LF)
B(H)B (RF) & LF off floor
3-5 Continue LF Ronde, then LF back and across with Man's L side at a 90° angle to front of Lady.
RF to side, Man moving to Lady's L side.
Place LF across RF without weight in RSP
1/8 to L, backing DC against LOD

1/8 to R, facing wall
1/8 to R, facing DW against LOD

WF (RF) & o/e of T, LF

6-8 Turning to L from RF, LF forward, passing in front of Man to his L side.
Continue turning to L as steps 2-3 of a Volta Spot Turn, RL, to end in Closed Position with R hand on Man's chest
3/8 to L on RF, facing LOD, then complete a further 3/8 to L to end facing DC against LOD B, foot flat (RF) & BH (LF)


9-11 Turning to R on LF, RF forward into a Three Step Turn to R, RLR, to end RF forward in Shadow Position 3/8 to R on LF, facing LOD, completing a further whole turn to end facing LOD B, foot flat (LF), B, B, BH 1a2

Suggested Popular Combination


Solo Bota Fogo to RSP


Cruzados Walks & Locks

Suggested Advanced Combination


Lady's Continuous Spin to RSP


LF crosses behind RF (count a) into Advanced Maxixe

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