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Running Weave from Promenade Position - Waltz, Quickstep

Commence in PP, pointing DC, body facing LOD

Man Foot Position Alignment Amount of Turn Rise & Fall (W) Rise & Fall (Q)
1 RF forward in PP & CBMP Pointing DC. Body facing LOD Com to turn to R Com to rise e/o1 Rise e/o 1
2 LF to side and slightly back Backing centre 3/8 between 1-2 Cont to rise Up
3 RF back with R side leading, preparing to lead Lady OP Backing DC 1/8 between 2-3. Body turns slightly more Up Up
4 LF back in CBMP with Lady OP Backing DC No turn Up. Lower e/o 4 Up. Lower e/o 4
Footwork 1 HT; 2 T; 3 T; 4 TH
CBM on 1
Sway S, R to S, S S
Head Weight Slightly L, R to C, C, slightly L
Timing (W) 1 & 2 3 or 1 2 & 3
Timing (Q) S Q Q S or S & Q Q

Commence in PP, moving DC, pointing to centre

Lady Foot Position Alignment Amount of Turn Rise & Fall (W) Rise & Fall (Q)
1 LF forward & across in PP & CBMP DC, pointing to centre Com to turn to R Com to rise e/o 1 Rise e/o 1
2 RF forward Facing DC 1/8 between 1-2 Cont to rise Up
3 LF forward, L side leading, preparing to step OP Facing DC Slight body turn to R Up Up
4 RF forward in CBMP, OP Facing DC No turn Up. Lower e/o 4 Up. Lower e/o 4
Footwork 1 HT; 2 T; 3 T; 4 TH
CBM slightly on 2
Sway S, slightly L to S, S S
Head Weight R, slightly L, slightly L to C, R
Timing (W) 1 & 2 3 or 1 2 & 3
Timing (Q) S Q Q S or S & Q Q

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