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Side Cross - Waltz, Foxtrot, Quickstep

Man Foot Position Alignment Amount of Turn Rise & Fall (W) Rise & Fall (F,Q)
1 RF back Backing DC Com to turn L Com to rise e/o 1, NFR Rise e/o 1
2 LF to side Pointing LOD 3/8 between 1-2, body turns less Cont to rise Up
3 RF crosses behind LF. Toe turned in Pointing DC, body facing LOD Body completes turn, then 1/8 to L between feet Up. Lower e/o 3 Up. Lower e/o 3
Footwork 1 TH (THT for F&Q); 2 T; 3 o/e of T, then TH
CBM on 1
Sway S R R
Head Weight C C, slightly R
Timing (W) 1 2 3
Timing (F,Q) S Q Q
Lady Foot Position Alignment Amount of Turn Rise & Fall (W) Rise & Fall (F,Q)
1 LF forward Facing DC Com to turn to L Com to rise e/o 1 Rise e/o 1
2 RF to side Backing DW 1/4 between 1-2 Cont to rise Up
3 LF crosses in front of RF Backing LOD 1/8 between 2-3 Up. Lower e/o 3 Up. Lower e/o 3
Footwork 1 HT; 2 T; 3 TH
CBM on 1
Sway S R R
Head Weight C C, slightly R
Timing (W) 1 2 3
Timing (F,Q) S Q Q

Side Cross from Promenade Position

This figure may be commenced in Promenade Position.
Man's steps: 1 RF forward in PP & CBMP (HT); 2 LF side and slightly forward (T)
Lady's steps: 1 LF forward & across in PP & CBMP (HT)

Suggested Popular Combination


Running Weave

Precede to PP

Open Impetus


Fallaway Reverse Turn

Suggested Advanced Combination


Tumble Turn

Precede to PP

Quick Open Natural Telemark from PP



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