Hip Twist Spiral (Gold)

Commence in Closed Position with Closed Hold, toward partner's R side


Step_# Count Steps Position Turn
1 2 LF fwd (Checked Fwd Walk) RSP  
2 3 Transfer weight to RF RSP  
3-5 4&1 Ronde Chasse, LRL End in PP 1/8 to L
6 2 RF back    
7 3 Transfer weight to LF    
8-10 4&1 Diagonally Fwd Lock, RLR End in Open CPP  

1) The Man may turn up to 1/4 to R on RF before step 1, with the Lady turning an additional 1/4 accordingly
2) Step 1 may be replaced with a Side Cucaracha


Step_# Count Steps Position Turn
1 2 RF back in RSP RSP 3/8 to R (Fwd Walk Turning), then an additional 1/8 on LF before 1
2 3 Transfer weight to LF RSP  
3-5 4&1 Hip Twist Chasse, RLR Closed to PP 1/2 to L between 2-3, then 1/4 to R over 3-5
6 2 LF fwd    
7 3 RF fwd, turning to end with LF crossed in front of RF without weight   5/8 to L (Spiral Action)
8-10 4&1 Three Step Turn, LRL End in Open CPP 1 full turn to L over 8-10

1) The Lady may turn up to an additional 1/4 to R on the LF before step 1 (for a total of up to 3/8 on the LF), in accordance with the Man's Turn (c.f. Man's note 1 above)

Preceding Figures

Commenced in Closed Position As described in the charts above
Bronze Natural Top; Alemana
Silver Rope Spinning
Preceding Step 5 Commencing the Hip Twist Spiral from step 5
Silver 1-5 Open Hip Twist

Following Figures

Ended in Open CPP As described in the charts above
PreBronze New York to LSP; Spot Turn to R (Lady to L); Underarm Turn to L
Bronze Three Cha Chas in LSP (from step 4)
Silver LF Cuban Break; Split Cuban Break commenced with LF
Ended in Fan Position Man dances steps 6-10 as Closed Hip Twist, turning the Lady underarm. Lady turns 7/8 to L on step 7, then 5/8 over 8-10 to end LF back in Fan Position
Bronze Alemana; Hockey Stick
Ended in Open Position Man dances 8-10 as a Forward Lock. Lady turns 3/4 to L on step 7, then 5/8 over 8-10 to end LF back in Open Position
PreBronze Open Basic; L Side Shoulder to Shoulder; Three Cha Chas Fwd (from step 4)
Bronze Alemana
Silver Open Hip Twist; Curl; Chase
Gold Turkish Towel; Sweetheart; Follow my Leader