Syncopated Separation (Gold)

Commence in Closed or Contact Position

Man Foot Position Alignment Turn Foot-
Lead & Shape Count
1-4 As Separation - - - - 1.2
5 Cross RF loosely behind LF Backing against LOD No turn BF Weight change 5
6 Cross LF loosely behind RF " " BF " 6
7.8 Repeat 5 and 6 " " BF " 7
9 Close RF to LF " " WF Commence PP Shape a
10 Point LF to side without weight, R knee flexed Toe centre, toe pointing DC " IE of T Achieve PP Shape 1
11  Close LF to RF Backing against LOD " WF Commence CPP Shape a
12 Point RF to side without weight, L knee flexed To wall, toe pointing DW " IE of T Achieve CPP Shape 2
13 RF back in CBMP, toe turned in Against LOD, toe pointing DC 1/8 to L between 12&13 BF Maintain CPP Shape 3
14 LF to side and slightly fwd Pointing DC against LOD 1/4 to L between 13&14, body turns less BF Commence PP Shape &
15 RF fwd in CBMP, OP, small step Facing DC against LOD Body completes turn BF Achieve PP Shape and regain hold with R hand 4
16-19 Twist to L, allowing feet to uncross. End RF back, weight on RF End facing DW 1/2 to L over 16-19 Pressure on B of both feet. RF flat Turn Lady to PP on 16. Maintain PP Shape on 17&18. Return to normal position on 19 5.6


1 This figure may also commence facing against LOD, wall, or centre
2 Beat value: 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3/4, 1/4, 3/4, 1/4, 1, 1/2, 1/2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
Lady Foot Position Alignment Turn Footwork Count
1-4 As Separation - - - 1.2
5 Cross LF loosely in front of RF Facing against LOD No turn BF 5
6 Cross RF loosely in front of LF " " BF 6
7.8 Repeat 5 and 6 " " BF 7.8
9 Close LF to RF " " WF a
10 Point RF to side without weight, L knee flexed To centre, toe pointing DC against LOD " IE of T 1
11  Close RF to LF Facing against LOD " WF
12 Point LF to side without weight, R knee flexed To wall, toe pointing DW against LOD " IE of T 2
13 LF fwd and across in CBMP toward Man's L side Moving DC against LOD, toe pointing DW against LOD 1/8 to L between 12&13 BF 3
14 RF to side Backing centre 1/8 to L between 13&14 BF &
15 LF back in CBMP, small step Backing DC against LOD 1/8 to L between 14&15 B 4
16 RF to side and slightly fwd in PP Facing DW against LOD 1/4 to R between 15&16 B 5
17 LF fwd in PP and CBMP Facing wall 1/8 to L between 16&17 B 6
18 RF fwd in PP Facing DW 1/8 to L between 17&18 B 7
19 LF fwd in PP and CBMP, RF held in CBMP Facing DC. End backing DW 1/4 to L between 18&19, then 1/4 on 19 (Pivot) BF 8


1 The foot is lifted off the floor on 5-8, with toe pointed downward
2 This figure may also commence backing against LOD, wall, or centre
3 Beat value: 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3/4, 1/4, 3/4, 1/4, 1, 1/2, 1/2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1

Notes to Man and Lady

1 There is a late lowering of heel on 5-7
2 The Promenade and Counter Promenade shapes on 10 and 12 are danced with L to R hand hold, therefore they are slightly farther apart than usual
3 Hold may be retained throughout, Man lowering and extending arms on 2
4 13-15 could be counted "QQS"

Preceding Figures

Gold Any syllabus figure ended with feet together, depending on alignment

Endings to Syncopated Separation

Ending 1: 2-4 of Attack and Sur Place
Ending 2: Syncopated Chasse to R
Ending 3: Drag

Ending 1: 2-4 of Attack and Sur Place

Man Foot Position Alignment Turn Foot-
Lead & Shape Count
1 LF fwd in CBMP Facing DW Commence to turn L HF Commence PP Shape 1
2 RF to side Facing LOD or DC 1/8 or 1/4 to L between 1&2 B or BF Achieve PP Shape 2
3 Close LF to RF " No turn B or BF Maintain PP Shape or return to normal position on 3&4 3
4 RF Sur Place " " B or BF   4

Ending 2: Syncopated Chasse to R

Man Foot Position Alignment Turn Foot-
Lead & Shape Count
1 LF fwd in CBMP Facing DW Commence to turn L HF Commence PP Shape 1
2 RF to side Facing LOD or DC 1/8 or 1/4 to L between 1&2 B or BF Achieve PP Shape 2
3 Close LF to RF " No turn B or BF Maintain PP Shape &
4 RF to side " " B or BF " 3
5 Close LF to RF " " B or BF Maintain PP Shape or return to normal hold 4

Ending 3: Drag

Man Foot Position Alignment Turn Foot-
Lead & Shape Count
1 LF fwd in CBMP Facing DW Commence to turn L HF Commence PP Shape 1
2 Flexing L knee, RF to side, wide step, R knee flexed Facing LOD or DC 1/8 or 1/4 to L between 1&2 BF Achieve PP Shape 2
3 Commence to close LF to RF. Slowly straighten R knee " No turn IE of B Maintain PP Shape 3
4 Close LF to RF " " B of both feet Maintain PP Shape or return to normal position 4

Following Figures to Ending 1

Gold LF Variation or any other method of changing feet

Following Figures to Endings 2 and 3

Gold Any syllabus figure commenced with feet together, depending on alignment