Banderillas (Silver)

Commence with Lady on L side, almost L hip to L hip, in a type of Promenade Position

Man Foot Position Alignment Turn Foot-
Lead & Shape Count
1-4 4 Sur Place RLRL Facing centre No turn B or BF Maintain PP Shape 1.2
5 Appel on RF " " WF  Commence CPP Shape 5
6 LF to side, wide step " " BF Achieve CPP Shape 6
7 Close RF to LF, no on Lady's R side, almost R hip to R hip, in a type of CPP shape " " BF Maintain CPP Shape 7
8 Sur Place LF " " BF " 8
9 RF fwd, OP " " HF Commence PP Shape 1
10 LF to side and slightly back, small step, in PP " " BF Achieve PP Shape 2
11-15 5 Basics back RLRLR Curve to L to end backing centre 1/2 to L over 11-15 BF Maintain PP Shape for 11-13. Gradually return to normal hold over 14-16 3.4
16 Close LF to RF Backing centre No turn BF   8


1 This figure may also commence facing wall or LOD
2 Elevation may be used on 1-4 and 7.8, rising high on toes
3 Focus eyes toward Lady throughout
Lady Foot Position Alignment Turn Footwork Count
1-4 4 Sur Place LRLR Backing centre No turn B or BF 1.2
5 Appel on LF " " WF 5
6 Sur Place RF " " BF 6
7.8 2 Sur Place LR with Man on R side, almost R hip to R hip in a type of CPP Shape " " 7 B or BF. 8 BF 7.8
9 LF back, partner outside " " BF 1
10 RF to side, slightly toward Man's L side in PP Facing DW against LOD 1/8 to R between 9&10 B 2
11-15 5 Basics fwd LRLRL Curve to L to end facing centre 5/8 to L over 11-16 B 3.4
16 Close RF to LF Facing centre No turn B 8


1 This figure may also commence backing wall or LOD
2 Focus eyes toward Man throughout

Preceding Figures

Silver Huit, Sixteen, or La Passe leading Lady to take a long step fwd to Man's L side on the penultimate step and assuming the "Banderillas hold" on the last step

Following Figures

Silver-Gold Any syllabus figure commenced with feet together, depending on alignment