Volta Movements

Volta Commenced with RF (PreBronze)
Volta Commenced with LF (PreBronze)
Travelling Volta (PreBronze)
Circular Volta (Silver)
Spot Volta (PreBronze)

There are three types of Volta Movements, namely, Travelling Volta, Circular Volta, and Spot Volta. Volta Movements may commence with either RF or LF, and are used in a variety of ways throughout the Samba syllabus. The Alignment, Amount of Turn, and Lead for Volta Movements depend on the specific figure. The charts immediately below describe the basic foot placement for any Volta Movement, and would represent the Travelling Volta in Closed Position.

Volta Commenced with RF

Foot Position Footwork Count
1 RF in front of LF (Latin Cross) BF 1
2 LF to side and slightly back without weight, toe turned out Pressure on I/E of T a
3 Take split weight to LF and draw RF in front of LF (Latin Cross) BF (Pressure on ball) 2
3 Repeat steps 2 and 3 twice As for 2&3 a 1 a 2

Volta Commenced with LF

Foot Position Footwork Count
1 LF in front of RF (Latin Cross) BF 1
2 RF to side and slightly back without weight, toe turned out Pressure on I/E of T a
3 Take split weight to RF and draw LF in front of RF (Latin Cross) BF (Pressure on ball) 2
3 Repeat steps 2 and 3 twice As for 2&3 a 1 a 2


1 The teaching count of "1 a 2 a 3 a 4" may be used
2 A Volta may be extended for an additional 1 or 2 bars of music, repeating step 2 and 3 two or four times
3 (Silver) When the Volta is commenced with RF a pelvic action may be used as follows: "Push" off ball of RF and move hips to right on the "a" counts. Return hips to normal position on the numerical count (When commencing with LF push off ball of LF and move hips to left on the "a" counts)

Travelling Volta (PreBronze)

This Volta may be danced without turn. It will travel to the left when commenced with RF, or to the right when commenced with LF. In more advanced versions the Travelling Volta may turn up to approximately 3/8 to left or right over two bars of music.

PreBronze Travelling Volta to the right commenced with LF (Lady RF) may be danced in Closed Position, without turn, moving along LOD (man facing centre, Lady facing wall). Normal or left to right hand hold may be used)

Preceding Figures

PreBronze Rhythm Bounce on RF - Whisk to R

Following Figures

PreBronze Whisk to R

The Travelling Volta is also used in the following figures:

Bronze Criss Cross Voltas - Shadow Travelling Volta

Circular Volta (Silver)

This is the Volta making up to approximately one complete turn to the right or left over two bars of music. The front foot travels around the circumference of a small circle

The Circular Volta is also used in the following figures:

Silver Maypole (Man) - Shadow Circular Volta
Gold Roundabout

The Spot Volta (PreBronze)

This is the Volta making up to one complete turn over one bar of music. After the first step is placed, the ball of the front foot remains on the spot. The turn is made between step 2 and 4 by swivelling on the ball of the front foot, then lowering the front heel as the Latin Cross is achieved. In more advanced versions, up to two complete turns are made

The Spot Volta is also used in the following figures:

PreBronze Lady 1-3 Spot Volta to R under raised arms (Man dances Whisk to L) - Lady 1-3 Spot Volta to L under raised arms (Man dances Whisk to R)
Bronze Solo Spot Volta
Silver Maypole (Lady)


Lady dances 1-3 of Spot Volta turning to right under raised arms as an ending to the following figures:
PreBronze Criss Cross Bota Fogos
Bronze Lady dances 1-3 of Spot Volta in Foot changes 1 and 2
Silver Argentine Crosses - Lady dances 1-3 of Spot Volta in Foot Changes 3 and 4

Inclination of Body

A slight inclination of the body to the right may be used when the Volta is commenced with the RF, or to the left when commenced with the LF. The degree of inclination may be gradually increased in proportion to the amount of turn used


No inclination of the body is used in the Maypole, or when lady is dancing her Spot Volta turning underarm, or during a Foot Change. In the Roundabout, when commenced with RF, Man may incline his body slightly to the right or left (Lady normal opposite). Likewise, when commenced with the LF, the body may be inclined either way. The inclination of the body is not increased


Silver When Travelling Volta is danced without turn in Closed Position, or when in Shadow Position, a more advanced timing may be used taking the first step on count "1 and," then hold position for "2 and," then continue with steps 2-5 for counts "a 3 a 4"
The Bounce action in detail is described below:
Commence with knees slightly flexed, weight on LF, after the count of "2 and"
As RF commences to move into position commence the upward part of Bounce a
Arrive up 1
Commence downward part of Bounce and
Continue to go down 2
Arrive down and

Continue as normal "a 1 a 2"
Lady normal opposite