Bronze Samba

Bronze Samba Routine 1

This Bronze routine is much more complex than the Beginner Samba Routine, and is intended for dancers who are comfortable enough with their own dancing that they can begin to dance more complex combinations. This routine adds the eye catching movement down the floor of the Reverse Turn, as well as the strong rotation of the Solo Spot Volta. These figures require more skill to perform, but when performed well draw significant attention to the couple. The order of the Criss Cross Bota Fogos and Voltas is varied in order to add an element of unexpectedness to keep the spectator interested.

N.B. The Commencing Alignments given are those of the Man. From this alignment and the figure itself, the Lady's alignment can be inferred.

Figure Commencing Alignment Timing
Rhythm Bounce Facing Wall
Whisk to L Facing Wall 1a2
Whisk to R Facing Wall 3a4
Reverse Turn Facing Wall 5a6.7a8
Whisk to L, Lady Spot Volta under Arm Facing Wall 1a2
Whisk to R Facing Wall 3a4
Solo Spot Volta Facing Wall 5a6
Solo Spot Volta, ended in Open PP Facing Wall 7a8
Criss Cross Bota Fogos Facing DW 1a2.3a4
1-7 Criss Cross Voltas Facing DW 5a6a7a8
Criss Cross Bota Fogos Facing DW 1a2.3a4
8-14 Criss Cross Voltas, ended in Closed Position Facing DW 5a6a7a8
Repeat from Whisk to L    

At a corner:

The Criss Cross Voltas may be curved around a corner
2 If necessary, the Whisks may be gradually turned to the left at a corner

If the Foot Change from Shadow to Closed Position is danced at a corner, no turn of the subsequent Whisks is necessary.

Bronze Samba Routine 2

Routine 1 and 2 are almost identical, the only difference being that the Bota Fogos and Voltas in Routine 1 are danced Criss Cross, while in Routine 2 they are danced in Shadow Position. Neither is better than the other, and it is a matter of which the couple looks better performing. Other attractive aspects of Routine 1, such as the Reverse Turn and Solo Spot Volta, are present in this routine as well.

Figure Commencing Alignment Timing
Rhythm Bounce Facing Wall
Whisk to L Facing Wall 1a2
Whisk to R Facing Wall 3a4
Reverse Turn Facing Wall 5a6.7a8
Whisk to L, Lady Spot Volta under Arm Facing Wall 1a2
Whisk to R Facing Wall 3a4
Solo Spot Volta Facing Wall 5a6
Solo Spot Volta, ended in Open PP Facing Wall 7a8
Foot Change 3 to Shadow Position Facing DW 1a2
LF Travelling Bota Fogo Forward in Shadow Facing DW 3a4
Shadow Travelling Voltas to the L, moving down LOD Facing DC 5a6a7a8
LF Travelling Bota Fogo Forward in Shadow Facing DW 1a2
RF Travelling Bota Fogo Forward in Shadow Facing DC 3a4
Shadow Travelling Voltas to the R, moving down LOD Facing DW 5a6a7a8
Foot Change 2 to Closed Position Facing Center 1a2
Whisk to R, turning Whisks gradually to face Wall by the commencement of the Reverse Turn Facing LOD 3a4
Repeat from Reverse Turn    

At a corner:

The Shadow Bota Fogos may be curved around a corner
2 The Shadow Travelling Voltas may be curved around a corner

If the Foot Change from Shadow to Closed Position is danced at a corner, no turn of the subsequent Whisks is necessary.